New Patient Information

What can you expect on your first visit?

Chiropractic Care Consultation

Initial Consultation is required for every new patient. The initial consultation is separated into 2 visits and does not include adjustment.

Your FIRST VISIT is about 45 minutes and includes a physical exam, nerve testing, muscle scanning, and a full spine & motion X-ray.


Your SECOND VISIT will be on a different day and the doctor will be going over the comprehensive report of findings, the X-ray result, and the treatment process.



Functional Nutrition Consultation

Functional nutrition consultation is a comprehensive examination to determine what nutrients need to be replenished or chelated out from the body for proper healing.

Your FIRST VISIT includes a physical exam, a 200+ system survey form, an appropriate blood test along with any special testing needed.


Your SECOND VISIT will be on a different day and the doctor will be going over the comprehensive report of findings and the recommendation.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • For patients with limited or no chiropractic insurance coverage, we offer flexible payment programs. To learn more about our payment options for chiropractic wellness, please give us a call

  • Yes, we do, and a copy of the superbill can be provided upon request.

  • X ray is strongly recommended. Gonstead method relies heavily on the x-ray hence it is a crucial part of the analysis. However, pregnant patients and infants can be exempt from the x ray.

  • The instrumentation is called Nervoscope and can provide doctors with valuable information on nerve inflammation.

  • No, adjustment is not part of the initial consultation and will be discussed in the 2nd-day report of the findings.

  • No, we do not provide massage in our office but we do have preferred practitioners who work off-site.

  • Yes we do, but based on the availability.

  • Yes, only under special circumstances, based on the doctor’s discretionary.

  • No, every new patient needs to go thru the new patient consultation before the adjustment.

Ready to schedule an appointment?